‘the face in the window’, collage, paper envelope, printed image of a face. Unfinished. Sept 2024. It needs to be painted, and ? We’ll just try things and see how it goes. I originally wanted to do just an eye, so I might do another one. Just for fun.
‘the face in the window’, image, altered envelope, stencil, collage, text, gold foil. Finished? Not finished?
I painted a Pegasus pattern onto a terra cotta flower pot, just because I liked it.
I did a Pegasus design on a piece of broken pottery, just for fun.
Pegasus pot, plate, bowl.
A woodblock I got from the thrift shop. I painted it white, then painted the raised parts black.
It looks good hanging on the wall.
I collaged a print of my ‘dancing skeleton’ painting onto my boring eye glass case, then I painted some gold paint around it. I really like it now. I’m going to do the other side now. I did it because I kept losing it. It was so nondescript it kept fading into the background. It should be easier to see now.
Glitter ‘eye’ pins, just for fun.
A fortune teller’s hand, with an added eye. I might add a bit of sepia paint to age it.
The first of three small paintings for the kitchen. This is from the plates I got at the thrift shop. I did a letter ‘T’ painting with the same pattern for the kitchen wall above the sink. I need something else on the other side of the clock to balance it out.
The letter ‘T’, painted with the same pattern as the dishes.
Layer one of the painted bird plate. One or two more layers to go. I like the colours.
The second painting is going to be of my favourite mermaid mug.
The third painting, from a photograph I took at a tea shop a couple of years ago.
The bird plate, the cup of tea, and the mermaid cup of coffee paintings. Layer one of two or three. The teapot and tea cup painting needs something on the right hand side. I’ll probably do some text or something to fill in the empty space.
‘bird plate’ painting. It’s finished, I just have to hang it up.
I finished the ‘mermaid cup’ painting too. That just leaves the ‘high tea’ painting.