
I bought a shark headed puppet at the dollar store.  Then I bought a couple of dolls.  This is what happened next.

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This reminds me of the painting I did called 'the former Miss America', for the poem of the same name.

The former Miss Americaate all her dinners raw,tucking every extra morsel, bloodyin her bra.

The former Miss America

ate all her dinners raw,

tucking every extra morsel, bloody

in her bra.

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Bought a shark puppet from the dollar store.  Took some photos, put them on Facebook.  Someone said something, and I said, 'you're lucky I didn't buy a barbie doll'.  So I did.

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Shark head puppet painting, from the poem 'this is the realm of the wild remora'. 

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Shark head puppet redhead barbiedoll in the bath photograph.  Then I said, 'I should put them in the bath', so I did.  Jo Forrest 2018.

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Shark head puppet blonde barbiedoll in the bath.  Jo Forrest 2018.

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Shark head puppet blonde barbiedoll in a pink tutu, in the bath.  Jo Forrest 2018

I filled the bath with warm water and took these photographs.  I'm going to do at least one painting from them.  The fun you can have from two items from the dollar store, and the thrift shop.


Shark puppet barbiedoll painting, day one.  For the poem 'this is the realm of the wild remora'.

Coughing up bones,

we expel our emotions,

love-sick for blood

in delirious oceans. 

#509 verse: 17

shbd June 30 low res.JPG

Shark head puppet red head barbiedoll painting, day two.  Up 'til 4.  Too damn late.  Fun though.

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Layer one of the red hair painted, teeth, gums.  So much fun. 

shark head puppet red head bbd painting July 5 '18.jpg

Shark head puppet red haired bbdoll painting.  Light on the water.  Still needs more work, but it's getting there.  The text will be last.

July 6 shark head puppet red haired bbdoll.jpg

Did a bit more work on the blue edge, and added some white highlights to the patterned background.  The text is next.  That will take some time to do.


Text added.

Coughing up bones,

we expel our emotions,

love-sick for blood

in delirious oceans.

Shbbdoll July 16.JPG

Shark head puppet blonde barbiedoll painting, day 2. 

Bubble-gum pink

in the moon's cold aurora,

this is the realm of the

wild remora.

Jo Forrest 'this is the realm of the wild remora', verse: 11


Painting number three.  Blonde barbiedoll, shark head puppet.  Unfinished.

July 19 Shark head bbdoll.JPG

Got the text done, which is the hard part.  Had to change the hair and the text at the bottom right.  The shark is next.

July 19 Shark head bbdoll.JPG

A bit more work done.


More work done on the hair.


Finished.  Started the next one.  Well, it is shark week.

July 30 18 shark head puppet four.JPG

Shark head puppet blonde barbiedoll.  Wrote a new verse to go with it.

Swimming with sharks

is a lesson in pain,

these are the only words

spoken in vain.

'this is the realm of the wild remora', #509 verse:18

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Almost finished.  Things got a little out of hand, maybe.

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Shark-head-puppet blonde barbiedoll painting number four.  I think I've overdone it.  I might repaint parts of it out.

Shark teeth Jo Forrest 2019

I sway in the current, my heart in a rapture

of ecstasy, giddy and sweet,

sharks chase their tails in a cruel choreography,

looking for something to eat.

‘the compass heart’, #675 verse:17