Peace lily

This is the beginning of the next painting. It’s a dried peace lily flower, from a plant in the front foyer.

peace lily painting

Layer one of the orange paint. The gesso is tinted a light tan colour, but I’m going to paint over top of that.

peace lily Dec 3 2019 Jo Forrest

One layer of paint on the background. This one is going to have text from a poem, to be done later. I hear I’m getting a Cricut Maker for Christmas, so I’m going to wait and do it with that. Fingers crossed it turns out the way I want it to. It would definitely make it easier to do if it works. Hand lettering takes time and precision.

peace lily jo forrest 2019

A couple of layers later. I have a brand new Cricut machine, so I’m going to try to cut a vinyl stencil with the text on it, and see how it looks. It might take me a while to figure out how to use it.

Crucut text for peace lily painting  jo forrest 2020

The stencil cut, and paint stenciled through it. I had to touch up some of the paint that bled through, but it looks fine.