crystal skull, heart painting

Your heart’s made of glass, and your bones are transparent,

your dreams have no need for a bed,

your voice is a ghost in the chaos of sorrow,

but I can’t get it out of my head.

the keepers of memory #707 v:32

skull heart painting feb 3 2020  jo forrest

Started the next painting. It’s a painting of a crystal skull and a crystal heart that I own. It goes with the painting of the crystal skull for the new book, echoes in the void.

crystal skull, heart painting  jo forrest 2020

Most of the background is done. I still need to do the top, behind the skull and the heart. I like it so far. I see a line that needs to be corrected, but otherwise, so far so good.

Feb 9 2020 crystal skull, heart painting  jo forrest 2020.

A few more hours work. I’m keeping track of how much time this painting is taking, just for fun.

Feb 10 crystal skull, heart painting  jo forrest 2020

Three more hours work. Lots to do yet. This one is going into the new book, which is progressing slowly, but steadily. It’s not as hard as my first book. Once I figured out how to use the Word program, it got much easier. That was a long upward learning curve.

Feb 20 2020 jo forrest

Finished, except for the varnish, and maybe a few touch-ups here and there. Well, it’s signed, so it must be finished. I’m going to use a satin varnish, and see what it looks like. I find the gloss varnish reflects too much light from the windows.

video the keepers of memory  jo forrest  2020

Added the text. I made a stencil with my Cricut Maker, and stenciled gold paint through it, twice. I did a layer of black paint over that, thinned with some varnish, just to knock it back a bit. It’s hard to take a good picture.

crystal skull and heart for painting  jo forrest 2020

The original photograph. Taken at night, with a flashlight behind the skull and heart. They’re small, about two by two inches, more or less.