I’m making a curtain for the grillzebo. I’m painting a fern on the top, and a New Zealand pattern on the bottom. The canvas only has one layer of gesso, so the surface is rougher than I usually paint on.
More leaves painted, and some of the background. Ooooh, it’s lookin’ good….
Did some more work on the curtain. It’s slow, but it’s getting there.
Finally made it to the bottom of the curtain. It needs another layer of paint, but it’s essential finished.
The almost finished curtain, hanging in the studio.
Finally finished the curtain, and it’s only August. I’ll let it dry for a couple of days, then varnish it.
Sprayed the curtain with some spray varnish, and hung it up. There’s a pocket in the bottom for a steel rod. That should stiffen it a bit. It was a long project, but I like it. I’ll have to see if it works next. It’s supposed to block the setting sun from shining on the ceramic barbecue.