'The House of the Rising Sun' painting

thoftrs jo April 5  copyright jo forrest 2021

I started the self-portrait for the video ‘The House of the Rising Sun’. This is layer one of several layers. I took it this winter in front of the house.

Jo, THOTRS painting  copyright jo forrest 2021

Me, in front of the painting. I want to shoot a short video of me in front of the painting. I want to move my eyes, and have the painting’s eyes move too. I don’t have any idea how to do this, but I’m going to try.

thotrs painting and photo  copyright jo forrest 2021

The photograph, and the painting. It’s for a music video with the song of the same name, by the Animals. My friend Leonard is doing the music. If I need it, it can be for my funeral, hopefully not any time soon.

thotrs paint ap 4 21 x.JPG

The drawing on the canvas, the photograph and the paint.

thotrs  copyright jo forrest 2021

I started working on my hair. I like it so far. I added red to my eyes. It’s so much fun.

thotrs jo forrest copyright 2021

A few layers later. Still not finished, but I like the way it’s going.

thotrs Jo finished April 17 copyright jo forrest 2021

I’ve finished the ‘House of the Rising Sun’ painting. I’ll wait a few days for it to dry then varnish it. I like it.