‘tinman’, photograph for the next painting. Plastic doll, plastic funnel, mirror spray paint, heart-shaped earring with glass rubies, and ruby rhinestones.
‘tinman’, painting, altered doll, photograph.
‘tinman’, the whole image. Not finished yet.
The torso is done, except for the heart. It’s been smooth sailing so far.
The whole image has the second layer of paint now. I can do the background next, and tweak anything I don’t like. Then I can add the text.
The ‘tinman’, almost finished. I added the earth, (for ‘there’s no place like home’), and a rainbow (for ‘somewhere over the rainbow’), and I’m going to add a spiral yellow brick road to the bottom right side. I did one, but I didn’t like it, so I painted it out. I still have to add the text.
The left side of the painting, with the earth.
The right side with the rainbow.
A tiny drop of ruby blood
congealed around your heart,
remember this, when love forsakes you,
‘beauty dies for art’.
the butterfly’s calamity #803 v:14
The finished painting with the text. I attach a hanging label to the back of the paintings with the text and the poem number and verse. I also sign the side of the painting, and the back. I still have to varnish this, but I like to be sure I have a really good photograph of it before I do that. The varnish makes it harder to take a picture of, because of the reflections.